Actionable Generative AI Analytics

LogSpend helps you understand what your users are talking about and take action. Set up in seconds, learn within minutes.

dashboard logspend

Actionable insights in minutes.

Rapid Integration & Launch

Rapid Integration & Launch

Set up LogSpend in minutes with our SDK, instantly linking you to 30+ data ingestion platforms such as BigQuery, Amplitude, Redshift, and Snowflake, and start analyzing immediately.

Seamless Data Sync

Seamless Data Sync

Stay up-to-date with real-time synchronization, keeping your analytics accurate and actionable at every moment, reflecting live user interactions and trends as they happen.

Data Enrichment

Data Enrichment

Unlock deeper understanding with enriched data. LogSpend enhances raw data points by revealing user intents, identifying drop-off points, and providing nuanced customer behavior insights, all to achieve your business objectives.

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Most Languages

Advanced Analytics Suite Out of The Box

Real-time Analytics

Real-time Analytics

Gain instant insights into user interactions with our live analytics to fine-tune your Generative AI products in real time.

User Journey

User Journey

Track and visualize the user's journey to identify successful paths and tailor personalized experiences that enhance Generative AI interactions.

Automated Reports

Automated Reports

Receive automated reports on key metrics and trends, empowering data-driven enhancements for your LLM products.

Funnel Optimization

Funnel Optimization

Eliminate bottlenecks and optimize user flow to increase conversion rates.

A/B Testing

A/B Testing

Employ A/B testing to refine your Generative AI features, ensuring maximum engagement and user satisfaction.



Leverage seamless integrations to broaden your Generative AI's capabilities, automate workflows, and unify data insights.

Get started with LogSpend today.

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